Step by step guide to the pool remodel process
Swimming Pool Remodeling (Replastering) Here is a step by step process we use to ensure you get the most from our replastering services. The Remodel
Here is a step by step process we use to ensure you get the most from our replastering services.
The company that you choose will need to inspect your site. Is there ground water? Has the chlorine been neutralized before pumping? If the company you hired wants to use your pool pump to pump out your pool that is one of the first bad signs. Pumping your pool out is hard on your equipment.
Pumping the pool, believe it or not people do make cement boats and your cement pool will float like a boat. When the pool is pumped unless you are on a hill, holes should be drilled into the pool shell to see if there is ground water below the pool. We will drill 2 or more holes until we can remove the main drain plug to make sure that the ground water is low enough to avoid floating the pool. I like to leave the pool empty for about a week, this will cause the bad plaster to hollow.
Once the pool is empty the pool plaster and the tile will need to be checked for hollow spots. Plaster is checked by sliding a metal paint roller handle over the plaster and you will hear the difference between the well bonded plaster and the hollow plaster. Hollow tile is checked when you are re-tiling over the old tile (you want to leave the old tile when you retile the water line tile) you can drag a hammer head over the tile or hit with a hammer to brake the loose tile. This is repaired with thinset when you are re-tiling the water line tile. NOTE do not check the pool water line tile this way if you are not re-tiling the pool.
Re-tiling over old tile, the contractor must look for and repair loose tile before re-tiling. The old tile will also need to be ground with a diamond grinder to cut the finish on the old tile. This is done so the new tile will bond correctly. The reason for tiling over the old tile when you are re-plastering is for the look of the tile and to help bring the tile out farther to avoid the pool from looking re-plastered.
The contractor will have to grind along the bottom of the tile to allow the plaster to be thick enough and to bond to the tile. Here is one place the tile will not look like your house. Plaster will be puffy along the tile, this helps with the water tight seal. Remember that tile to plaster connection is under water and will not be as obvious underwater. The wall returns will need to be ground around to allow the new plaster behind the fitting along with about 1-foot, this will make the angle less noticeable.
Sometimes the plaster has failed from poor chemical balance or adding the pool chemicals without diluting in water first (DANGER – – – NEVER POUR WATER INTO POWDER POOL CHEMICALS – POWDER POOL CHEMICALS SHOULD BE POURED INTO WATER DIRECTLY). The best way to tell if your pool my need to be sandblasted is when the plaster is soft. Try to scratch the plaster with a screwdriver, if the screwdriver digs into the plaster the plaster is too soft. If you were to re-plaster over the soft plaster without removing the failed plaster you will not get the full live from the new pool plaster. Delamination in most cases will happen in a few years.
If available the contractor should replace these items especially the main drain(s) covers to ensure they are VGB Virginia Graham Baker compliant drain covers. Floor returns as part of a pool remodel are not replaced.
I have run across several companies that do not bond coat their pools. The only reason I can think of is to cut cost and time. An average pool cost around $300 in materials and 1 man’s day’s wage. I don’t believe in doing a job if you can’t do it right. The Bond Coat is very important in keeping the plaster product you choose from delamination later on, usually after your warranty has passed if there is one.
If it was my choice on water line tile being used over or being replaced I will always recommend new tile. When you have new tile placed over the old tile (I think this is the best way) make sure that the tile is checked for being hollow or loose like the plaster, if hollow or loose chip it out. “Do not allow your pool contractor to add caulk on the tiles. Tile should be installed just like floor tile thin-set applied by a trowel, not 1 spotted. 1 spotting doesn’t keep the water from running around the back of the tile. This will make finding a tile line leak harder. The cause of a leak could be anywhere when tile is installed this way.
If your contractor is not including new step tile in their remodel price, my bet is they are either trying to add it later for extra money after they have your pool pumped out and torn up. Or, they don’t care about the quality of their work. The places I see this the most are at Hotels and Motels (not all) and is probably the pool contractor low balling the project and letting the decision maker know about that option. Commercial pools need nonskid tile at all steps.
There are many reasons for tile to crack the image to the right is where one of 2 things has happened. The bond beam was poured low (short) below grade, to fix this the pool builder that built this pool poured a cold joint cap on the beam or when they poured the pool deck they poured the short beam with the deck pour. The deck pour of the short beam is almost a guarantee that you will see the horizontal tile crack. Having a short beam can happen for many reasons, the pool grade (soil height needed) was changed after the pool shell had been shot, the pool builder just made a mistake. This can be fixed and not have the pool tile crack but it is more labor intense and cost more money to do it correctly. You have to dowel rebar into the top or side of the beam and pour the cap and 6” of concrete on the back side of the beam. This will cause the push on the outside of the pool to push on the side of the pool like it should have done with the first beam.
There are many different types of pool plaster granite, quartz, river stones, or glass bead quarts is the most common today but mini pebble would be next with a small increase 15%-20% depending on color next is glass you are looking at 50% to maybe more than 150% depending on color. Most contractors will be loyal to 1 or 2 brands, just check out what you can find on the plaster brand online and decide from that.
This is when you will see where the contractor ranks in re-plastering, the size of their crew, the look of their equipment I wish that was the case but a new mixer will look like it is 10 years old after 1 year. Plastering is messy work, it is very hot in the summer and unfortunately you may see applicators light on the shirts, along with clothes that looks like they live in them (plaster is like paint and once you get on your clothes it’s there) please don’t judge.
This is where our trade sometimes falls short. I hope when your pool is completed your deck is cleaned of any over spray or spillage, even with the deck covered with tarps things happen. Your yard will need to be cleaned the plaster will need to be raked up. You need to look at the contractor’s contract and see if the sprinkler repair is part of the scope along with wheel ruts needing to be filled. I am not saying that anyone can clean up as if they were not there but the contractor should make his best effort to do so.
You will need to have electricity and water available for the work to be completed. The ones that I am warning you about Not For Broken sprinklers, wheel ruts, clean of yards and there are many more. I was at a new pool construction where a friend of mine was working on their house and the pool contractor was completed with his project and had been paid in full. The dirt from the pool was still in a pile in their yard, the old cut and broken pavers were all around the pool deck, plaster bags piled up with dirt piled on top of them, I guess there were trying to keep them from blowing away. Plaster on their house and on the kids swing set and even more but how long do you want me to go on. I talked to the homeowner and we talked about the mess and they told me they were not happy and they should have read the pool contractors contract. I looked at their contract and was not much more than a quote with a place to sign and what they do not do (exclusions).
Pool start up should be included in your pool re-plaster project. I recommend that you have the pool contractor do the pool maintenance for the first year to protect the owner from the blame game.
If the pool contractor is the one doing the maintenance and they do not notify you of and issue and your new pump fails due to poor chemical balance it should be on the pool contractor to make that repair. The person that is taking care of the pool chemistry should a testing results log for your protection.
Has sewage cost as part of your water bill for refilling your pool if you are on city sewage, contact your city water company when your new pool or remodel project begins and find out is they will discount the sewage from your water bill. You are not putting the water into their sewage system for them to have to treat.
This is where you will see the biggest difference between Contractors. Most plaster manufacturers offer a warranty for one year. Florida lifetime warranty is 7 years in most cases. I hope anyone looking at this was blessed with a longer life than 7 years.
Here’s where it gets harder to know which contractor to use. Find out does your contractor have an office or a pickup truck, Are they State Licensed Contractor, do they have General Liability Insurance ($1,000,000). Does your contractor have commercial insurance on his vehicles ($1,000,000). Does the Pool Contracting Company have workers compensation ($1,000,000) for all of their employees or are they working with workers compensation exemption? Workers compensation exempt is only good for up to 3 owners and all of the owners must own at least 10% of the company.
If the pool contractor has uninsured people on your job and they get hurt they will sue the contractor and you along with anyone else they can.
In Florida you can do a Sunbiz.org search and see who the owner(s) are http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/ByName I know this takes time, an hour or more. If you make the wrong choice and have an issue the cost of your pool remodel will seem like pocket change if things go south.
Read reviews and make reviews. It sometimes amazes me that people will go to the ends of the earth to say something bad about someone, but to get them to sit down for 2 minutes and write something nice is a different thing.
I hope if you read this I was able to help with the process of pool remodeling. Please email me and I will make updates to this as time goes along.
Thank you, My Favorite Pool Builder, Inc.CPC1459058 – Steve Cronin
This information is my opinion of what someone needs to know when having their pool re-plastered. I am not a lawyer or even a writer. Do your own due diligence and enjoy your pool.
Swimming Pool Remodeling (Replastering) Here is a step by step process we use to ensure you get the most from our replastering services. The Remodel
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